Purchasing Your First co2 Laser Cutting, Etching, Engraving and Marking Machine.

Taking the first step into the world of purchasing your first co2 laser cutting and engraving machine can seem like a daunting decision! 

Year by year the cost of co2 laser machines has decreased and has become more accessible to both businesses and individuals. 

Whether you are looking to provide a personalisation service on a product, producing laser cut jewellery, bespoke parts for industrial use or even setting up your own laser cutting business, there are a few questions and maintenance costs you might want to consider before deciding which co2 laser machine to purchase;

What materials am I looking to laser cut and engrave? 

A co2 laser cutter can cut and engrave a variety of materials. It's able to cut materials like wood, paper, cork, and a variety of plastics such as perspex, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene. Etching can be done on almost anything, wood, cardboard, plastic, marble, stone, tile, and glass. It is possible to also ''engrave'' on aluminum, stainless steel, and brass by using markSolid 114 Metal Marking Spray produces highly durable black marks on all metals.

How often will I need to get my laser machine serviced? 

Like any machine, your laser machine will need to be serviced to keep it in tip-top working condition. 

How often do I need to get my machine serviced? It depends on how often you use your co2 laser. At Focused Laser Systems, we would recommend having your laser serviced once every 12 / 18 months. 

It also comes down to the independent wear and tear of each component in your co2 laser. For example - generally, you will have to replace your laser tube after around 6000 hours of use.   

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What size bed do I need?  

It simply comes down to what you're looking to achieve with your laser cutter. 

If you're looking to engrave onto glass, a machine with a smaller size bed would suffice. 

If you're looking to use your machine to create signs and advertising products you'll most likely require a larger bed size. 

Every individual's needs are different, so it's always useful to speak to an adviser before making a decision. 

Where Should I Place My Laser Engraver?

The main thing before purchasing a co2 laser cutting, it's a good idea to think about where you will be placing it! 

What are the dimensions of the machine? 

Is the room well ventilated? Also, you will have an extraction system fitted, the machines also tend to let off a lot of heat. 

You may also want to consider keeping your laser engraver about a foot away from any walls or barriers. This ensures that air can circulate through the engraver’s fans and keep the co2 laser cool through the engraving/cutting process. 

It's also an idea to think about where you're going to plug your machine into? Does the outlet provide enough electricity that the laser engraver needs? 

Are co2 Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Difficult to Learn How to Use? 

If you are worried about learning how to use a co2 laser machine, that shouldn’t prevent you from buying your machine! 

You can use many different kinds of design software with laser cutters such as CorelDraw, Photoshop, AutoCAD, Illustrator, InkScape, etc.

The software for the machine will be new to you, however, generally, training is provided by the engineer during the setup of your machine. 

Laser Extraction Systems 

You'll need an extraction system to ensure the economical removal of process emissions during the cutting and engraving process. 

Choosing the correct extraction system will depend on the machine you decide to go with.  


  • Affordable price 

  • We offer machines to suit all budgets and treat all our customers equally. Whether you're an individual or a large corporation. 

  • High-Quality co2 Laser Machines

  • We provide high quality affordable co2 laser machines across the UK and Europe. 

  • By choosing Focused Laser Systems our team will install your machine and provide training on the operating systems and how to keep your machine in tip-top working conditions. 

  • Excellent after-sales service 

  • We offer ongoing customer support thereafter! With Focused Laser Systems, we are always on hand to help and provide technical support. 

  • Our customer reviews speak volumes! We will always go above and beyond for anyone who purchases one of our machines. 


Huxley Mann

Website designer, Squarespace SEO expert and content writer based in the heart of London's historic jewellery district, Hatton Garden. In today's competitive digital world, success lies in a killer website with content that cuts through the noise and speaks to your target audience. So don't just stand on the digital sidelines. Let's have a chat and find out what I can bring to your business!


Co2 Laser Machine Accessories - Tips and Tricks.